- Oh... This is Fernanda's niece.
- Anh?
- Sorry... Fernanda's nephew.
- Oh... Okay.
- Hi There.
- Hi.
- How are you?
- Hi.
- I'm Felipe.
- Hi, Felipe.
- But you, guys, can call me Ham.
- Ham?
- Yeah. Like pork.
- Oh. Okay.
- Jess?
- What?
- This is the famous brazillian surgery.
- "Young Soul Plastic Surgery"... Yeah. Young soul, old skin.
- We stay here, or we go down?
- We can stay. Or we can leave. I don't know.
- Let's go down.
- Ilhan?
- What?
- Want more?
- No, no. I'm cool.
- Jess?
- I'm cool.
- Felipe?
- ...
- Ham!
- What?
- Wanna?
- Oh. No. No...
Sujeito estranho parado na esquina: Ei! Me dá um pega!
- Anh.. That guy wants.
- Oh... Okay.
- Valeu camarada.

Fingers up.


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