Enjoy Nublu line-up

wed 26; Velibor spins the rarest of the rarest

thurs 27; DJ Flic does the downtempo song/trip-hop thing

fri 28 ; DJ Filip makes everybody happy

sat 29; Karim's rumba en el patio. This is the real thing people , no loungy jazzy electronic beats , this is Santeria and heavy heavy vibes. 4-9pm. At night nublu and friends DJ.

sun 30; 4-7pm Jochen spins Euro underground. Night time at 10 pm .ilhan ersahin sax, thor madsen sounds+guitar.matt penman bass and jochen rueckert drums .

mon july 1st; same band as sunday 10 pm.

tue 2; Alper trio 10 pm. Nublu spins jazz.

wed 3; Sabina on vocals+band 10 pm. Velibor spins the rarest of the rarest.

thurs 4;DJ Flic

Fri 5 ; DIDI from Bebel Gilberto's band plays a live set 11 pm. Nublu DJ's and friends.


Eu quero ir pra NY!!!!!!!


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